I am starting my plan Monday April 26, 2010. I will end the plan on Sunday May 22, 2010. I won't be at my goal time frame, but this will give me enough time to test the plan, see how I did, and make corrections for the next phase. I am going to keep a log of everything that I eat and I will updating this page on a daily basis so you can see what I've eaten, how I did, etc. I will also have a weekly update that I will post on the main page. I also plan to make entries every day to discuss what I'm feeling while on the plan. This page will strictly be for what I have eaten during the day.
I am not going to keep track of the calories I eat for the day, simply only what I have eaten and quantity. We all have a lot going on in our daily lives to keep track of every little calorie that we consume. The focus of my plan is not to eat low calorie, low carb, low fat, high protein, grapefruit, rice, or any other kind of weird plan. I don't want to eliminate foods from my diet. I think moderation is a good approach. If I have a coffee it won't be my usual pumpkin spice latte with whip cream. It will be a coffee with a bit of cream or milk. Nothing more. If I do have a soda it will be something that I have made with My SodaStream. I will know what all has gone into it. I'm not limiting myself to just diet and MyWater either. Certainly my diet won't consist of all regular soda either, but again, moderation is key here.
Monday, April 26, 2010. Non diet day.
I actually did not do any sort of diet today. It was a rough day and wasn't up to the challenge. I'm just trying to be honest with everyone when I slip up and when I don't. I slipped up on day 1, but that doesn't mean I won't succeed in the end.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010. Bad diet day.
Breakfast: coffee for breakfast. I had a large white mocha. I did get some fruit to go with thinking I might have some of the white mocha now and save the rest for later. I love leftovers. But I didn't, I just stuck to the mocha and that was all.
Lunch: went to lunch with hubby. I didn't eat well for lunch, I had 2 empanadas and chicken tortilla soup. They called it a bowl but it was a really small bowl about 2c quanity. Some places would refer to that as a cup size, but okay.
Snack: 1 can regular soda, 1c coffee with cream, and a slice of poppyseed bread. I had an HR event and needed to keep awake. It was mostly just vendors talking about changes to benefits. Mostly what the vendors got up to say is to check out the website. Or that there weren't too many changes and any questions would be in the information that employees will be receiving. Since I'm not really HR I didn't find the meeting very helpful.
Dinner: we split leftovers for an appetizer. I had orange beef the other night, and already had leftovers once from it. I had 1.5 pieces of orange beef and some rice. There is always enough food to make 3-4 meals from the one meal. We also split a thin crust pizza. Was either 10" or 12". Not very big. One of the frozen California Pizza Kitchen ones. Hubby has a doctor's apointment Thursday and can only eat soft foods tomorrow, so he had his last meal so to speak tonight.
** I really need to get back in the habbit of not eating with him. Usually when I'm eating healthy I make him something and me something. Take out really makes that hard to do. Most places won't even delivery unless you are getting at least 2 things. And that is an aweful lot of leftovers for just him. So I end up endulging with him. Unfortunately any time we do take out that is going to have to be the way it is. I'll just try and minimize take out. Maybe I'll see if I can get just steamed veggies and rice. No sauce, or on the side. That wouldn't be too bad really.
Wednesday April 28, 2010.
Breakfast: Power protein plate (from Starbucks, 370 calories, and it's a mini whole wheat bagel, peanut butter, hard boiled egg, grapes, 2 apple slices, and some cheese. Izze sparkling pomegranate, and 1c coffee with 2 cream. I had the whole Izze, but the coffee I only drank 5 sips from. I didn't even have 1/4 of the coffee before it got cold. They are filming in the library next door, so I don't want to heat up anything in the microwave while that is going on. Also I was going to turn my fruit salad into a smoothie today, but with filming I didn't want to take a chance so I got my protein plate instead.